How you can help:
Sign up for a spot to sell out of your trunk-we really need sellers!
Sign up to bring baked goods and/or to volunteer the day of the sale.
Ask friends if they would like to rent a spot and bring their items to sell
Donate gently used books for the book sale-both hard and soft cover. A box is outside church for collections.
Come and shop at the sale!
Email or call 884-4221
The Missions Ministry provides financial and resource support to humanitarian organizations locally, nationally and internationally. Some of the local agencies we support include Project Outreach, Crossroads, and other local needs. We also support the missions' work of other church ministries, including Education Team efforts, the Ecumenical Food Pantry, and the Volunteers in Mission trips.
When you contact us please indicate all that apply:
Rent a spot for $40 (check enclosed)
Rent a spot and donate proceeds to Missions
Volunteer to bake items and/or donate used books
Volunteer on the day of the sale
Please email your interest to Laura Wilkinson or or send your name, phone #, email and check for $40 to:
United Methodist Church of East Greenwich1558 South County Trail East Greenwich RI 02818